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The Step by Step Guide in Making Homemade Herbal Soap that Nurtures Skin!
Today only, get this Amazon bestseller for just $0.99. Regularly priced
at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.
You’re about to discover how to...
Let's take a look at the reasons we use soap. People use soap to cleanse the skin and get rid of dirt and grime; and to feel fresh and fragrant. People also use soaps to treat skin infections and correct skin issues. However, the reality is that modern soaps give people a "clean" feeling by putting the emphasis on the "fragrance" aspect. Psychologically, smelling good makes people feel “fresh and clean.” Boy, are they wrong. Most of the cosmetic and "skin care" soaps available in the market nowadays contain harmful chemicals that do not help in ridding the skin of dirt and instead harden the body oils and toxins causing the pores to be clogged. The result: acne, allergies, dermatitis, dry skin, hormone disruption, rashes, respiratory problems, skin irritation, and many other serious skin problems. For example, SLS or Sodium lauryl sulfate, a common ingredient in most chemical based soaps can cause eye damage, cancer; and worse it could even alters your cells’ genetic material.
The more you keep using these soaps, the more petrochemical compounds and mineral oil you put on your skin; and these chemicals, over time, can cause and aggravate these disorders. Commercially-produced chemical-based soaps often have a lot of unnecessary artificial ingredients that have harmful effects and can be toxic. So, what should you do? The answer is suitable soap-alternatives made of medicinal herbs. Just like in food; Mother Nature has provided a treasure trove of herbs and organic and natural materials that can help keep the skin healthy and looking good.
This ebook will teach you how you can make your own natural and safe homemade soap!
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
- Facts about Herbal Soap
- Herbal Soap Making Process
- Commercial Soap vs Natural Soap
- Why go on for Natural Soaps?
- Amazing Benefits of Homemade Natural Soaps
- Homemade Natural Soap Recipes
- Do's and Dont's in Herbal Soap Making process
- Common Problems during Soap Making
- Much, much more!
Download your copy today!
Take action today and download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!
Tags: herbal soap making, herbal soap making guide, herbal soap making recipes, soap making, homemade soap, natural soap, skin soap, nurtures, natural soap, soap making guide, homemade natural soap
- Sales Rank: #1187105 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-01-12
- Released on: 2015-01-12
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Go for herbal soap for a healthy skin!
By Derek Young
Skin is the most care-needing part of the body. It is not only a power shield against all external invaders like bacteria, but also it is a sensory receiver and transmitter which expose our feelings and sensations. So, proper skin care helps us to gain shining look which reflects our inner beauty. But, we cannot depend on soap available in the market because most of them contains harmful chemicals with 'fresh fragrance'. I really appreciate Laura Wilkins for this great book which contains a crash course on herbal soap which will surely rejuvenate our skin. The book contains information about everything required for soap making. Soap making equipment and ingredients are easily available. Let's start using home made herbal soap and protect our skin.
HERBAL SOAP MAKING: The Step Mobipocket
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