Rabu, 16 Desember 2015

? Free PDF Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

Free PDF Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

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Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

Free PDF Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

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Penny Possible, by Sally Rose

"Penny Possible" is a picture book which tells the story of a service dog during her two years of training. Penny, a Golden retriever, is a real dog who is now in her "forever home" with her Iraq war veteran. She was bred and trained by Warrior Canine Connection, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that trains Golden and Labrador retrievers to be service dogs for wounded veterans. The proceeds from "Penny Possible" will be donated to Warrior Canine Connection to help with their mission of reconnecting disabled veterans to their families, jobs, and communities. If you would like more information or would like to contribute to the mission at Warrior Canine Connection, please visit their website: http://www.warriorcanineconnection.org.

  • Sales Rank: #937709 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-01-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x .9" w x 8.00" l, .21 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 36 pages

About the Author
Born and raised in the piney woods of East Texas, Sally Rose lived in the Cajun Country of Louisiana, the plains of Oklahoma, the “enchanted” land of New Mexico, and the Big Apple, New York City, before moving overseas to Santiago de Chile where she now resides. Watch for her next book, A Million Sticky Kisses, the story of her first visits to Chile as a volunteer English teacher. A Million Sticky Kisses will be available in the spring of 2015. www.iamsallyrose.com

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Noggin Smooches for Pen-Pen!
By TKandKK
Having followed Penny and her litter mates since they were three weeks old, I'm a sucker for anything Penny. This is a darling book that captures the warm spirit of her PM's (Puppy Mom) posts with beautiful illustrations. Thanks for putting this together in such a nice package. Fans of Penny and the other WCC dogs will treasure it, and anyone else interested in a sweet story about a special dog will love it as well.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By book worm
This book appeals to people of all ages. Whether you like dogs, or are searching for that perfect gift, this is the book for you! A feel good story that will leave a smile on your face. The beautiful, bright illustrations only add to your enjoyment as you are drawn right into Penny's life. Great read!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Penny Possible - Penny Definite Reading
By Sandra L. Goga
After following Penny since her birth, I couldn't wait to purchase this book about Penny, a Warrior Canine Connection Service Dog being raised to serve a wounded warrior. Penny has her own Facebook page that was enlightening and fun. Thousands followed Penny through the eyes of her Puppy Raiser on a daily basis. Now, her forever wounded warrior now does some posting periodically. This book is "Pawfect" in describing Penny's adventures as she grew up and was trained to serve her warrior. It is especially informative for children, and it brings out the "kid" in all of us as you read and follow Penny's daily adventures. This is a fun and easy to read book. Well written, illustrated and concept advised. A highly recommended read.

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