Free Ebook Fat Dogs and French Estates - Part 1, by Beth Haslam
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Fat Dogs and French Estates - Part 1, by Beth Haslam
Free Ebook Fat Dogs and French Estates - Part 1, by Beth Haslam
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Buying a country estate in France seemed such a simple thing to accomplish. When Beth, her irascible husband Jack, and their two fat dogs set off, little do they know that it will become such an extraordinary adventure. Surviving near-death experiences, they drive thousands of kilometres around French estates steeped in history and crazy aristocrats.
Will they find their dream home, or return to Britain defeated?
This is the hilarious first instalment in the Fat Dogs series.
- Sales Rank: #145525 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-01-15
- Released on: 2015-01-15
- Format: Kindle eBook
"As a back seat driver, I guffawed as I shared Beth and Jack's unique search for the perfect French property. I delighted in the eccentric aristocrats we met along the way and even picked up some fascinating historical facts..."
- Victoria Twead, New York Times bestselling author of 'Chickens, Mules and Two Old Fools'
"You only need to read the first chapter - even the first few pages - of this breezy memoir to realise Beth Haslam's aptitude as a storyteller, and her considerable knack for capturing on paper the hilarity of a moment." - French Property News
About the Author
Beth Haslam was brought up on a shooting estate in Wales. Deep in the countryside, her childhood was spent either on horseback, helping the gamekeepers raise pheasants, or out sailing. After a serious car crash in 1991, Beth she set up her own consultancy business. As semi-retirement beckoned, Beth and her husband, Jack, decided to buy a second home in France. This became a life-changing event where computers and mobile phones swapped places with understanding the foibles of the French, and tackling the language. Beth is now occupied as never before. Raising and saving animals, writing, and embracing everything that rural France has to offer; she’s loving it!
Most helpful customer reviews
25 of 27 people found the following review helpful.
Too much writing about hunting ...
By A M
This is one of the few books that I actually could not finish reading! The author and her husband are totally obsessed with the hunting and killing of animals. Hunting is mentioned every couple pages and their search for a home seems to be based around the availability of "shootable game." I'm not even a vegetarian, but I just don't understand how people find it fun and entertaining to stalk and kill wildlife. And I certainly don't want to read about it. At least I didn't waste my money since the book was free.
13 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Too long-winded with forced wit.
By Zuri
Wow, I seem to be the only reader so far who did not like this book! It's not awful at all, and sometimes Beth Haslam can be very witty. But, in short, her writing style is too long-winded, and oh my, the over-statements and the repetition of any incident she considers funny! She is sometimes plainly irritating. Normally I adore these books where people emigrate to France, usually buy a run-down property, battle with French bureaucracy and count the pennies carefully. Beth and husband seem just a little too well-off to keep my attention. There seems to be no problems with money, no pennypinching. They stay in fancy hotels. They definitely do not view tumble-down farmhouses. The mansions they see might have hideous aspects, but nowhere, it seems, would it be necessary for them to do anything more to the place except paint it and get rid of ghastly furniture and accoutrements. And in getting from one property-for-sale to another Beth describes every bend in the road, every hairpin turn, every rock ... Yikes.
Especially irritating was Beth's continuous attempts to make her grumpy husband sound amusing. I could not work up any empathy for this character. He comes across as a very difficult old man, and Beth either really is, or pretends to be "the long-suffering wife" who smooths over his outbursts and impatience.
Beth tries far too hard to be witty, and she does not know how to tell a story more concisely. It is not necessary to repeat funny stuff -- we get the joke the first time round. The overall impression was that she was determined to write a book about "our French adventure", but she simply does not have enough subject matter, so the descriptions of the search for a house with "hunting grounds" is endlessly drawn out. It does not measure up to the many far-better books on the same subject.
I love animals, but the book starts with an endless tale of the two dogs, of horses, and of golf: I was really, really bored by all that. And as their journey goes on, and at least one dog keeps making a nuisance of himself, I felt like shouting, "For God's sake, why didn't you leave the two mutts in a kennel until you were settled?" Many people might find the doggy do's funny, but it's only funny the first time around. I pitied the poor home-owners (keen to sell) who had to put up with the dogs running around, while these two rather impossible characters inspected house and grounds.
Confession: I could not finish the book. Beth needs a ruthless editor, and simply better stories to tell. Sorry.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
loved the book, can't stand the husband
By mikemac9
Following the adventures of a British couple looking for a large retirement home in France. The author, Beth Haslam, found some places to visit and booked appointments with realtors. This is the story of their search. I found the book not that much fun to read, mostly because of the disgust I have towards her husband. He is curt and dismissive, often rude to her and having little patience for the rest of humanity. I don't know how she puts up with him. Frankly even though the writing is very descriptive of the Provence region, the meals and people they meet, I can't take any more time with him. There seem to be several books in this series, I shall not be reading any farther.
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